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fitblendr custom exercise for busy people
fitblendr custom exercise for busy people

Plank Jack

  • chest
  • core
  • back
  • shoulders
  • arms
  • cardio
  • hips
  • legs
Created: December 29 2022 at 1:05 am
Updated: July 19 2023 at 7:44 pm

The plank jack exercise is a dynamic variation of the traditional plank, designed to engage multiple muscle groups and increase the intensity of your core workout. It involves starting in a plank position and performing a jumping motion to move your legs apart and back together, similar to a jumping jack motion. This exercise is beginner-friendly and can be a great addition to your fitness routine to strengthen your core and improve overall stability.

The primary muscle group targeted during plank jacks is the core muscles, including the rectus abdominis (six-pack muscles), obliques (side abs), and transverse abdominis (deep core stabilizers). By performing this exercise, you engage and challenge these muscles to maintain stability and control during the jumping motion. The core muscles play a crucial role in providing support for the spine, improving posture, and enhancing overall athletic performance.

In addition to the core, the plank jack exercise also works the muscles of the upper body, including the shoulders, chest, and arms. As you jump your legs apart and back together, you engage the deltoids (shoulder muscles) and pectoralis major (chest muscles). Your triceps and biceps also assist in stabilizing the arms during the exercise, contributing to improved upper body strength and tone.

The lower body is not the primary focus of the plank jack exercise, but it still provides some benefits for these muscle groups. As you perform the jumping motion, your glutes (buttocks muscles), quadriceps (front of the thighs), and adductors (inner thigh muscles) are engaged to a certain extent. While the intensity may not be as high as in dedicated lower body exercises, the plank jack can still contribute to overall lower body activation and toning.

Furthermore, the plank jack exercise promotes cardiovascular endurance and calorie burning. The combination of the dynamic movement and engaging multiple muscle groups leads to an increased heart rate and improved cardiovascular fitness. This exercise can be an effective addition to a full-body workout routine or a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) circuit to boost calorie expenditure and improve overall fitness levels.

Plank Jack: How to Video Demonstration

Plank Jack - Instructions & Steps

  1. Get into the standard plank position, with your back and legs straight, except stabilize on your elbows instead of your palms (you can also use your palms if you'd like)
  2. While tightening your core, extend or jump both your legs outward as if you were doing a jumping jack
  3. Return your legs to the straight position and repeat

Benefits of Plank Jack

Plank jacks are a versatile and effective exercise that can provide numerous benefits for individuals seeking to improve their fitness and overall well-being. This dynamic movement combines the core-strengthening benefits of planks with the cardiovascular advantages of jumping jacks, making it a fantastic addition to any workout routine. By incorporating plank jacks into your fitness regimen, you can expect improvements in core strength, stability, endurance, calorie burning, and overall body composition.

Core strength and stability

Plank jacks primarily target the core muscles, including the abdominals, obliques, and lower back. Regular practice of this exercise can lead to increased core strength and stability, helping to improve posture, balance, and overall functional movement.

Cardiovascular conditioning

The jumping motion involved in plank jacks elevates heart rate and increases cardiovascular endurance. This makes it an excellent exercise for improving overall cardiovascular health, stamina, and aerobic capacity.

Total body workout

While the core is the primary focus, plank jacks also engage other muscle groups, including the shoulders, chest, arms, and legs. This results in a comprehensive full-body workout that helps tone and strengthen multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Calorie burning and fat loss

Due to its combination of core engagement and cardiovascular intensity, plank jacks can contribute to calorie burning and fat loss. This exercise increases metabolic rate, helping to create a calorie deficit and promote weight management.

Improved coordination and agility

The rhythmic and coordinated movement of plank jacks challenges coordination and agility. By practicing this exercise regularly, individuals can enhance their neuromuscular coordination, body control, and overall athletic performance.

Low-impact option

Plank jacks offer a low-impact alternative to high-impact exercises like jumping or running. They provide a challenging workout without excessive stress on the joints, making them suitable for individuals with joint sensitivities or those seeking a lower-impact exercise option.

More About Plank Jack

The plank jack is considered a compound exercise. It is a challenging bodyweight movement that engages multiple muscle groups, particularly in the core and upper body. The plank jack is a variation of the standard plank, where you perform a jumping motion with your legs while maintaining a plank position.

During the plank jack, the following muscle groups are primarily engaged:

  • Core muscles: The rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques are engaged to stabilize the torso and maintain the plank position.
  • Shoulders: The deltoid muscles and other muscles around the shoulders work to support the upper body and control the jumping motion.
  • Chest: The pectoralis major muscles are involved in stabilizing the upper body during the plank jack.
  • Hip muscles: Various muscles around the hips, such as the hip flexors and abductors, are engaged to support the jumping motion and maintain stability.
  • Leg muscles: The quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles are activated during the jumping motion.
  • Upper back: The muscles of the upper back help maintain proper posture and stability during the exercise.

The plank jack is an effective compound exercise for building core strength, stability, and cardiovascular endurance. It not only targets the muscles of the core and upper body but also provides a cardio element due to the dynamic jumping motion.

Adding plank jacks to your workout routine can help enhance overall body coordination, improve core strength, and elevate heart rate for a more comprehensive workout experience. As with any exercise, it's essential to perform plank jacks with proper form and gradually increase the intensity to avoid injuries and achieve the best results.