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fitblendr custom exercise for busy people
fitblendr custom exercise for busy people

Banded Row

  • arms
  • biceps
  • shoulders
  • core
  • chest
  • back
  • forearms
Created: April 22 2023 at 1:52 pm
Updated: July 20 2023 at 8:24 am

The Resistance Banded Row exercise is a versatile and effective movement that targets multiple muscle groups in the upper body. This exercise can be easily incorporated into a busy lifestyle without requiring any special equipment, making it ideal for individuals looking to strengthen their back, arms, and shoulders. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced exerciser, the Resistance Banded Row can be tailored to your fitness level and performed almost anywhere, making it a convenient choice for those with limited time and resources.

During the Resistance Banded Row, the primary muscle group worked is the back, specifically the latissimus dorsi, or "lats." These large muscles are responsible for pulling movements and play a crucial role in posture, stability, and overall upper body strength. By targeting the lats, the Resistance Banded Row helps to build a strong and well-defined back, which not only enhances your appearance but also contributes to functional fitness and injury prevention.

In addition to the back, the Resistance Banded Row also engages the muscles of the arms, particularly the biceps and forearms. As you pull the resistance band towards your body, these muscles contract to assist in the movement. Strengthening the arms through the Resistance Banded Row can improve your ability to perform daily activities that involve pulling or carrying objects.

Furthermore, the Resistance Banded Row activates the muscles of the shoulders, including the deltoids and upper trapezius. These muscles are important for shoulder stability and contribute to overall upper body strength and aesthetics. By incorporating the Resistance Banded Row into your workout routine, you can effectively target and strengthen these muscle groups, leading to improved posture and upper body strength.

The Resistance Banded Row is a compound exercise, meaning it involves multiple joints and muscle groups working together. This not only increases the efficiency of the exercise but also stimulates the body to burn more calories and promote overall muscle development. The combination of pulling and stabilizing movements in the Resistance Banded Row engages the core muscles, helping to improve core strength and stability.

One of the great advantages of the Resistance Banded Row is its versatility and adaptability. The exercise can be modified to suit different fitness levels and goals by adjusting the resistance of the band or changing the position of your body. Whether you're a beginner using a lighter band or an advanced exerciser using a heavier band, the Resistance Banded Row can provide a challenging workout that can be progressively adjusted as your strength improves.

Lastly, the Resistance Banded Row can be performed anywhere, whether you're at home, in a hotel room, or even at the office. The compact and portable nature of resistance bands makes them a convenient option for busy individuals who don't have access to a full gym setup. By incorporating the Resistance Banded Row into your exercise routine, you can strengthen your upper body muscles without the need for specialized equipment, making it an accessible and time-efficient choice.

Banded Row: How to Video Demonstration

Banded Row - Instructions & Steps

  1. Sit on the ground with your legs flat against the ground.
  2. Take your resistance band and place the midpoint around the arch of your feet. For more tension you may choose to wrap the band from the front of your feet first then looping to the back.
  3. Lean back slightly, with your hands comfortably gripping the band.
  4. Bring both arms back at the same time in a rowing motion, hold, then release back to start. Squeeze your shoulder blades and brace your core as you row.

Benefits of Banded Row

The Resistance Banded Row exercise offers numerous benefits for individuals looking to improve their strength and overall fitness. This exercise targets multiple muscle groups in the upper body and can be performed conveniently without the need for special equipment or excessive space. Whether you have a busy schedule or limited access to a gym, the Resistance Banded Row is a versatile option that can be adapted to different fitness levels and performed nearly anywhere. By incorporating this exercise into your routine, you can experience a range of advantages for your physical well-being.

Muscle Strengthening

Resistance Banded Row primarily targets the back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and trapezius. Regular practice of this exercise helps strengthen and tone these muscles, improving posture and overall back strength.

Improved Posture

Resistance Banded Row focuses on the muscles responsible for maintaining proper posture, including the upper back and shoulders. By strengthening these muscles, the exercise can help improve posture and reduce the risk of developing postural imbalances or related discomfort.

Increased Upper Body Stability

The Resistance Banded Row requires stabilization from the core muscles, including the abdominal and lower back muscles. As a result, regular practice of this exercise can enhance overall upper body stability and control.

Enhanced Upper Body Functionality

By targeting the muscles of the upper body, including the back, arms, and shoulders, the Resistance Banded Row can improve overall upper body strength and functionality. This can translate into better performance in daily activities that involve pushing, pulling, and lifting.

Injury Prevention

Strengthening the back muscles through the Resistance Banded Row can help reduce the risk of back injuries and discomfort. This exercise promotes balanced muscle development, which can provide better support and stability for the spine.

Time Efficiency

The Resistance Banded Row is a time-efficient exercise that can be easily incorporated into a busy schedule. With minimal setup and no need for specialized equipment, it can be performed at home, in the office, or while traveling.


The Resistance Banded Row can be performed nearly anywhere, making it a convenient exercise option. Whether you're at home, in a hotel room, or at a park, all you need is a resistance band to engage in this effective exercise.


The Resistance Banded Row can be modified to suit different fitness levels and goals. You can adjust the resistance level by choosing a band with appropriate tension, making it suitable for beginners and more advanced individuals alike.

More About Banded Row

Resistance band rows are a compound exercise that primarily targets the muscles of the upper back, shoulders, and arms. This exercise is performed by pulling the resistance band towards the body while maintaining a stable and upright position.

During resistance band rows, the following muscle groups are primarily engaged:

  • Latissimus Dorsi: The lats are the primary muscles targeted during resistance band rows. They are responsible for pulling the arms towards the body and helping with shoulder extension.
  • Rhomboids: The rhomboid muscles work to retract the scapulae and squeeze the shoulder blades together during the rowing motion.
  • Trapezius: The traps help stabilize the scapulae and assist in the pulling motion.
  • Rear Deltoids: The rear deltoids are engaged to help with shoulder extension and contribute to the rowing movement.
  • Biceps: The biceps are involved in bending the elbows and pulling the resistance band towards the body.
  • Forearms: The muscles of the forearms work to grip and hold onto the resistance band during the exercise.

Resistance band rows are an effective compound exercise that targets the upper back, shoulders, and arms. This exercise helps improve upper body strength, posture, and overall pulling strength. It is a versatile movement that can be modified to suit various fitness levels and goals.