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fitblendr custom exercise for busy people
fitblendr custom exercise for busy people

Banded Front Raise

  • forearms
  • shoulders
  • triceps
  • biceps
Created: April 22 2023 at 4:45 pm
Updated: July 20 2023 at 8:42 am

The Resistance Banded Front Raise is a simple yet effective exercise that targets the muscles of the shoulders and arms. It can be performed by exercise novices and is especially suitable for busy individuals looking to incorporate a quick and convenient workout into their daily routine.

This exercise primarily engages the anterior deltoids, which are the front muscles of the shoulders. Additionally, it also works the muscles of the upper arms, including the biceps and forearms. By regularly performing Resistance Banded Front Raises, individuals can strengthen and tone these muscle groups, leading to improved upper body strength and aesthetics.

The beauty of the Resistance Banded Front Raise lies in its simplicity and versatility. All that is required is a resistance band, which is a compact and portable piece of equipment that can be easily carried and used anywhere. This makes it an ideal exercise for busy individuals who may not have access to a gym or special equipment.

To perform the Resistance Banded Front Raise, you simply need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the resistance band with an overhand grip, and raise your arms in front of you until they are parallel to the ground. The resistance provided by the band challenges your muscles and enhances the effectiveness of the exercise.

By incorporating Resistance Banded Front Raises into your workout routine, you can improve your shoulder strength and stability, which can have a positive impact on your daily activities. Strong shoulder muscles contribute to better posture, reduced risk of shoulder injuries, and enhanced performance in sports and other physical activities.

Another benefit of the Resistance Banded Front Raise is its ability to engage the core muscles. As you raise your arms, your core muscles, including the abdominals and lower back, work to stabilize your body. This helps to develop a strong and stable core, which is essential for overall strength and balance.

Banded Front Raise: How to Video Demonstration

Banded Front Raise - Instructions & Steps

  1. Put the band under both feet, under the arches
  2. Keeping your back straight at all times, raise both arms (keeping them straight) in front of you until they reach a
  3. degree angle (shoulder height)
  4. Slowly return the arms back until they are against your legs.
  5. Repeat, engaging your core and butt

Benefits of Banded Front Raise

The Resistance Banded Front Raise offers numerous benefits for individuals looking to improve their fitness and well-being. This exercise is accessible to people of all fitness levels and can be performed anywhere without the need for special gym equipment. By incorporating Resistance Banded Front Raises into your routine, you can experience the following benefits:

Shoulder Strength and Stability

Resistance Banded Front Raises target the muscles of the shoulders, helping to strengthen and stabilize them. This can enhance your overall shoulder strength, improve posture, and reduce the risk of shoulder injuries.

Arm Definition and Toning

As you raise your arms against the resistance of the band, the muscles of your upper arms, including the biceps and forearms, are engaged and worked. This can lead to increased arm definition and toning.

Convenience and Portability

One of the major advantages of the Resistance Banded Front Raise is its convenience and portability. The exercise can be performed nearly anywhere, making it an excellent choice for busy individuals who may not have access to a gym or specialized equipment.

Time Efficiency

Resistance Banded Front Raises can be done in a relatively short amount of time, making them an ideal exercise for those with busy schedules. In just a few minutes, you can effectively target your shoulder and arm muscles, making it a time-efficient option.

Improved Posture

By strengthening the muscles of your shoulders and upper back, Resistance Banded Front Raises can help improve your posture. This can alleviate common issues such as rounded shoulders and forward head posture, promoting better alignment and spinal health.

Core Engagement

During Resistance Banded Front Raises, your core muscles work to stabilize your body as you raise your arms. This engagement of the core muscles contributes to overall core strength and stability, which is beneficial for various daily activities and movements.

Increased Upper Body Endurance

Performing Resistance Banded Front Raises regularly can improve your upper body endurance. The exercise challenges the muscles of the shoulders and arms, allowing them to adapt and become more resilient over time.


The Resistance Banded Front Raise can be modified and adjusted to suit different fitness levels and goals. You can vary the resistance of the band, change the grip, or incorporate other movements to make the exercise more challenging or target specific muscle groups.

More About Banded Front Raise

Resistance band front raises are not considered a compound exercise. Compound exercises involve multiple muscle groups and joints, while front raises primarily target specific muscles in the shoulders.

During resistance band front raises, the following muscle groups are primarily engaged:

  • Shoulder muscles: The front raises primarily target the anterior deltoids, which are the muscles at the front of the shoulders. These muscles are responsible for raising the arms to the front.
  • Triceps: The triceps muscles in the back of the arms are engaged as stabilizers to control the movement.
  • Forearm muscles: The muscles in the forearms work to hold and control the resistance band during the exercise.

While resistance band front raises are not compound exercises, they are effective for targeting and strengthening the front shoulder muscles. Including front raises in your workout routine can help improve shoulder strength and stability.