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fitblendr custom exercise for busy people
fitblendr custom exercise for busy people

Banded Enhanced Push Ups

  • arms
  • back
  • shoulders
  • core
  • chest
  • triceps
  • hips
Created: April 22 2023 at 3:49 pm
Updated: July 20 2023 at 8:39 am

The Resistance Banded Enhanced Push Ups exercise is a great addition to your workout routine, especially if you're a busy individual looking for an efficient and effective way to strengthen your upper body muscles. This exercise primarily targets the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles, providing a comprehensive workout with minimal equipment and space requirements.

What makes this exercise particularly appealing is that it can be done nearly anywhere and doesn't require any special equipment. Whether you're at home, in a hotel room, or even outdoors, all you need is a resistance band to enhance your push-ups and take your upper body training to the next level.

The Resistance Banded Enhanced Push Ups work by adding resistance to the traditional push-up movement, making it more challenging and engaging additional muscle groups. As you lower your body towards the ground, the resistance band creates tension, requiring your muscles to work harder to push back up. This increased resistance helps strengthen the chest, shoulders, and triceps, promoting muscle growth and definition.

In addition to the primary muscle groups targeted, this exercise also engages the core muscles. As you perform the push-ups, your core works to stabilize your body, maintaining proper alignment and preventing excessive sagging or arching of the lower back. This helps improve overall core strength and stability, enhancing your posture and reducing the risk of lower back pain.

Another benefit of the Resistance Banded Enhanced Push Ups is the versatility it offers. By adjusting the positioning of the resistance band, you can modify the level of resistance to suit your fitness level and progression goals. Whether you're a beginner or more advanced, this exercise can be tailored to challenge you appropriately.

This exercise is also time-efficient, making it perfect for busy individuals. You can incorporate it into your workout routine as a standalone exercise or as part of a circuit training workout. By combining it with other bodyweight exercises, you can create a challenging full-body workout that can be completed in a relatively short amount of time.

Banded Enhanced Push Ups: How to Video Demonstration

Banded Enhanced Push Ups - Instructions & Steps

  1. Place a resistance band around your thumbs or hands.
  2. Then place the resistance band around your back, still holding it.
  3. Get onto the ground, with your toes pointed and back straightened into a standard plank or pushup position. You should feel the band tighten.
  4. Begin your pushup by lowering your body to the ground, keeping your back straight. You will feel the tension lessen on the band.
  5. Raise yourself up, and as you do, feel the tension in the band return.
  6. Repeat.

Benefits of Banded Enhanced Push Ups

The Resistance Banded Enhanced Push Ups exercise offers a range of benefits for individuals looking to improve their fitness and strength. This exercise can be done by anyone, regardless of their athletic background, and it requires minimal equipment and space. By incorporating resistance bands into your push-ups, you can amplify the benefits and make your workout more challenging. Here are some of the key advantages of the Resistance Banded Enhanced Push Ups exercise.

Upper Body Strengthening

The Resistance Banded Enhanced Push Ups primarily target the muscles in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. By adding resistance to the movement, you can effectively strengthen and tone these muscle groups, promoting upper body strength and definition.

Core Stability

As you perform the push-ups with the resistance bands, your core muscles are engaged to stabilize your body. This exercise helps improve core strength and stability, which is essential for maintaining proper posture, preventing lower back pain, and enhancing overall body control.

Functional Strength

The Resistance Banded Enhanced Push Ups simulate movements that mimic everyday activities and sports. By developing functional strength through this exercise, you can improve your ability to perform tasks that require pushing, pressing, and maintaining stability.

Improved Muscle Endurance

Performing Resistance Banded Enhanced Push Ups challenges your muscles to work against the resistance of the bands. This increased resistance helps improve muscle endurance, allowing you to perform more repetitions and sustain physical exertion for longer periods.

Time Efficiency

One of the advantages of this exercise is its time efficiency. With Resistance Banded Enhanced Push Ups, you can effectively target multiple muscle groups in one exercise, saving time in your workout routine. This makes it an excellent choice for busy individuals.

Convenience and Accessibility

Resistance Banded Enhanced Push Ups can be done anywhere, anytime, making it a convenient exercise for those with a busy lifestyle. You don't need access to a gym or special equipment, as a resistance band is all you need to enhance your push-ups.

Progressive Overload

The resistance bands used in this exercise allow for progressive overload, meaning you can easily increase or decrease the intensity of the exercise by adjusting the resistance. This flexibility enables you to continually challenge yourself and make progress.

Enhanced Mind-Muscle Connection

The resistance provided by the bands requires greater muscle activation and control. This can help improve your mind-muscle connection, allowing you to focus on the targeted muscles and develop better muscle recruitment and coordination.

More About Banded Enhanced Push Ups

Resistance band push-ups can be considered a compound exercise as they involve multiple muscle groups working together to perform the movement. The traditional push-up is already a compound exercise, and adding resistance bands increases the challenge and engages additional muscles.

During resistance band push-ups, the following muscle groups are primarily engaged:

  • Chest: The pectoralis major muscles are the primary movers during push-ups. They are responsible for the horizontal adduction of the arms.
  • Shoulders: The deltoid muscles, particularly the anterior (front) deltoids, assist in shoulder flexion and adduction during the lowering and pushing phases of the push-up.
  • Triceps: The triceps brachii muscles are activated to extend the elbows during the pushing phase of the exercise.
  • Core muscles: The rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques work to maintain a stable and straight body position throughout the movement.
  • Scapular stabilizers: Muscles like the rhomboids, trapezius, and serratus anterior help stabilize the shoulder blades and support the upper body during the push-up.
  • Hip stabilizers: The muscles around the hips, including the glutes and hip flexors, help maintain a straight and stable body position during the movement.

Resistance band push-ups are an effective compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, core, and various stabilizing muscles. Adding resistance bands increases the challenge and can lead to greater strength and muscle development when performed with proper form and control.