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fitblendr custom exercise for busy people
fitblendr custom exercise for busy people

Arnold Press

  • forearms
  • biceps
  • chest
  • triceps
  • shoulders
  • back
  • core
Created: December 28 2022 at 8:25 pm
Updated: July 19 2023 at 4:22 pm

The Arnold press is a variation of the traditional overhead press that incorporates rotation of the wrists and shoulders during the movement. This exercise is named after Arnold Schwarzenegger, a renowned bodybuilder and former Mr. Olympia, who popularized its use. Here's a description of the Arnold press exercise, including the muscle groups and areas worked.

During the Arnold press, you start with a dumbbell in each hand, holding them at shoulder level with your palms facing your body. As you press the dumbbells overhead, you rotate your wrists outward, so your palms face forward at the top of the movement. This rotation engages additional muscles and adds a challenging component to the exercise.

The primary muscle group targeted by the Arnold press is the deltoids, specifically the anterior deltoids (front of the shoulders). The anterior deltoids are responsible for shoulder flexion and play a crucial role in overhead pressing movements. By performing the Arnold press, you emphasize the development of the anterior deltoids, contributing to stronger and more defined shoulders.

In addition to the anterior deltoids, the Arnold press also engages other muscles of the shoulder complex. The medial deltoids (side delts) and posterior deltoids (rear delts) are involved in the movement, although to a lesser extent. These muscles contribute to shoulder abduction (side raising) and shoulder extension, respectively, and assist in stabilizing the shoulders throughout the exercise.

The trapezius muscles, located in the upper back, are engaged to stabilize the shoulder girdle and maintain proper posture during the Arnold press. The triceps brachii muscles, located on the back of the upper arms, assist in elbow extension as you press the dumbbells overhead. Additionally, the muscles of the core, including the rectus abdominis and obliques, help stabilize the torso throughout the exercise.

By incorporating the rotation of the wrists and shoulders, the Arnold press places additional emphasis on the muscles of the forearms and the brachialis muscle, located underneath the biceps. These muscles contribute to the rotational movement and help control the dumbbells during the exercise.

Performing the Arnold press offers several benefits. It helps to develop shoulder strength, size, and muscular endurance, particularly in the anterior deltoids. The rotational component of the exercise adds complexity and challenges the stability and coordination of the shoulder joint. This can enhance shoulder stability and proprioception, reducing the risk of imbalances and injury.

The Arnold press also promotes balanced shoulder development by engaging the different heads of the deltoids, contributing to a more symmetrical appearance. Additionally, the involvement of the forearms and brachialis muscles adds a forearm strengthening component to the exercise.

To maximize the benefits of the Arnold press, it's important to use proper form and technique. Start with a weight that allows you to maintain control and proper range of motion throughout the movement. Focus on engaging the targeted muscle groups and perform the exercise in a controlled manner to ensure optimal results and minimize the risk of injury.

Arnold Press: How to Video Demonstration

Arnold Press - Instructions & Steps

  1. Grab a dumbbell in each hand, and rotate your wrists so your palm is facing backwards
  2. Rotate your arms upwards so both arms resemble a U shape, the dumbbells should be about head level
  3. Swing your arms inwards so that both dumbbells nearly touch in front of your face
  4. Return to the U position, then rotate and lift both arms straight up so you are doing an overhead press
  5. Return the arms to the u-position, and repeat by swinging your arms inwards

Benefits of Arnold Press

The Arnold press exercise offers several benefits for individuals looking to develop shoulder strength, improve shoulder stability, and enhance overall upper body muscle development. Start with lighter weights to master the movement and gradually increase the load as your strength and proficiency improve. Focus on maintaining control throughout the exercise and avoid using excessive momentum.

Shoulder Muscle Development

The Arnold press primarily targets the muscles of the shoulder complex, including the anterior deltoids (front delts), medial deltoids (side delts), and posterior deltoids (rear delts). By performing the Arnold press, you can effectively develop and strengthen these muscle groups, creating well-rounded and defined shoulders.

Balanced Shoulder Development

The Arnold press incorporates rotational movement, engaging different heads of the deltoids and promoting balanced shoulder development. This helps to avoid muscular imbalances and asymmetry, leading to a more aesthetically pleasing upper body appearance.

Shoulder Stability and Control

The rotational component of the Arnold press challenges the stability and control of the shoulder joint. This exercise requires coordinated movement and proper alignment, contributing to improved shoulder stability and proprioception. Enhanced shoulder stability can reduce the risk of injury and improve performance in other upper body exercises and sports activities.

Core Engagement

The Arnold press requires core engagement to maintain stability and prevent excessive arching of the lower back. The rectus abdominis, obliques, and other core muscles work to stabilize the torso throughout the exercise, promoting core strength and stability.

Upper Body Strength and Power

The Arnold press is a compound movement that engages multiple muscle groups in the upper body, including the deltoids, trapezius, triceps, and core muscles. By lifting and pressing weights overhead, the Arnold press promotes upper body strength and power, which can benefit various daily activities and sports performance.

Functional Fitness

The Arnold press mimics movements involved in real-life activities and sports, such as lifting objects overhead, throwing, and pushing movements. By incorporating the Arnold press into your training routine, you can improve functional fitness and enhance your ability to perform these tasks effectively.

Increased Range of Motion

The Arnold press requires a wide range of motion in the shoulder joint. By regularly performing this exercise, you can improve the flexibility and mobility of the shoulder complex, which can be beneficial for various upper body movements and overall joint health.

Mental Focus and Coordination

The Arnold press demands concentration and coordination to execute the rotational movement while maintaining proper form. This exercise challenges your mind-muscle connection, enhancing neuromuscular coordination and cognitive focus.

More About Arnold Press

The Arnold press is considered a compound exercise. It is a variation of the traditional shoulder press that targets multiple muscle groups in the shoulders and arms. The Arnold press is typically performed by starting with the dumbbells at shoulder height, palms facing towards you, and then pressing them overhead while rotating your palms to face forward.

During the Arnold press, the following muscle groups are engaged:

  • Shoulders: The deltoid muscles, including the anterior (front), medial (middle), and posterior (rear) deltoids, are the primary movers during the pressing and rotating motion.
  • Triceps: The muscles on the back of the arms assist in extending the elbows to lift the dumbbells overhead.
  • Upper chest: The clavicular head of the pectoralis major contributes to the initial phase of the press.
  • Upper back and traps: These muscles help stabilize the shoulder blades and the spine during the Arnold press.
  • Core muscles: The rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques work to stabilize the spine and maintain proper posture during the movement.

The Arnold press is an effective compound exercise for building strength and muscle mass in the shoulders and arms. The additional rotational movement engages different parts of the deltoid muscles, making it a versatile and challenging shoulder exercise.

Due to its compound nature and the involvement of multiple muscle groups, the Arnold press is a valuable exercise for targeting the shoulder complex and developing well-rounded upper body strength.